الجمعة، 4 سبتمبر 2009

Facebook Colour changer

Ensure you are using the Firefox browser.

Ensure that you have the Greasemonkey add-on installed (this requires restarting your

When you have Firefox and Greasemonkey, click the install button at the top right of this page.

Click to confirm that you wish to install the script, and it will be installed.
Now, when viewing any page on Facebook simply go to 'Tools', 'Greasemonkey', 'Userscript Commands...' and then 'Customise facebook colours...'. See the image below for help with this. (Alternatively the same menu can be shown when right-clicking on the monkey on the bottom right).

Select the colours you'd like facebook to be, click "Set!", and you're done!
Below is a screenshot of where I have picked a pink and black theme, but you can
pick any colours you wish.

Customise colours by selecting the menu shown below (whilst you're on a Facebook page);
And pick colours using the box that pops up;


هناك 99 تعليقًا:

  1. the script is nothing in yours blog
    I'm confused with your command

  2. يرجى اختيار ملف تعريف

  3. أزال المؤلف هذا التعليق.

  4. kLo q paduan anTara Bru skY aMa Red

  5. purple and Pink.......please..............

  6. putih biru muda and biru dongker nya dong plies yah

  7. أزال المؤلف هذا التعليق.

  8. Hidup adalah sebuah pilihan dimana kita harus memutuskan suatu pilihan dalam hidup ini. pilihan mana yang akan kita ambil baik atau buruk, lalu setelah kita putuskan pilihan kita, maka kita harus fokus pada pilihan kita,lakukan yang terbaik dan lihat apa yang akan terjadi..........dari situ kita akan mengerti arti dari teka-teki kehidupan ini..
